• Be kind to each other.

Revolution is a welcoming space to all types of people. Do not bring up topics that may bring up an altercation.

• As per the Proboards ToS, all players must be 13+

Anyone found to be under the minimum age requirement will be issued an immediate ban.

• One account per character.

A new character account should be made for each new character under the new character's name.

• While not required, we recommend using a Discord account.

Discord chat makes it simple to quickly and effeciently discuss plots and form rapport with your fellow players.

• All IC posts should be made with IC accounts and vice versa.

Posting in the RP boards with an OOC account will result in a warning. Please keep all OOC posts made with OOC accounts.


Revolution is rated PG13.

While we do allow some violence and cursing, please keep it within reason. Sexual content will not be tolerated.

• All posts must be written in 3rd-person, past-tense.

This is to keep all story telling consistent.

• Absolutely no Godmodding, Powerplaying, or Meta-Gaming.

• There is no word count minimum.

With this rule we still expect players to keep pace with their partners. We do request a minimum of one paragraph per post.

• All characters must be a part of a tribe.

At this time, all characters must be a part of one of the two tribes for the sake of moving the story along. This may be altered in the future.

• Great ape species, ONLY.

This includes Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans. No monkeys, gibbons, etc.

At this time we do not allow for human characters - though we may look into it as a possibility in the future.

• Players may create characters of any religion, nationality, sexuality, etc.

We encourage our players to be creative with their characters. So long as it makes sense in the world of Revolution go nuts!