It has been five years since the initial outbreak of the ALZ-113 virus. Across the continent, a chimpanzee named Caesar led his group of apes across the golden gate bridge and into the redwoods. However, as the virus spread across the globe infecting humans, so too did it infect other apes.

On the eastern coast the great apes of many zoos, laboratories, circuses, and sanctuaries began to organize. Among them was a female bonobo by the name of Banjo. Leading her troop from the confines of an abandoned zoo and pursued by humans who blamed them for humanity’s seemingly inevitable downfall, Banjo took these refugee apes as well as any she found along the way towards the west in search of refuge.

This nomadic tribe never found a place to settle in all of Banjo’s years. Fearing the relentless pursuit by humans, she never allowed her apes to stop and build a home. After years of leadership, the great bonobo matriarch found her death within the claws and fangs of a wolf pack.

The loss of their chief left a power vacuum within the tribe. Many argued their case for leadership but none could win the favor of all apes. Fearing bloodshed, the tribe determined the best course of action would be to divide itself into two smaller tribes. One is taking refuge and settling in the mountains while the others have fled and are finding a home in [location to be determined].

The plot will be updated as the story progresses.


• May 1st | We're Coming Home Now
Malakai leads the Mountain Peak Tribe to their new home.

Threads that take place during YEAR 1 will be placed here in chronological order.